Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog about blogging

Today in our meeting, my classmates were talking about the assigned blogs ... wondering what there was to talk about when we are simply going through our regular lives, doing what we normally do until we leave for Rome.

Dr. Weber said that the anticipation is part of the experience and you know what popped into my mind?

"I see you shiver with antici... .............................................
............................. pation."

If you have never seen Rocky Horror Picture Show, then you might not get it. I am not just a weirdo posting a picture of Tim Curry in drag for no reason.

I swear.


Okay, I am kinda weird. I admit it. But still ... it's supposed to be funny.


  1. OK, why is Tim Curry in drag funny? Or are you just trying to work off your nervousness? I don't really get the whole drag thing, and unless we were going to Rio for Carnival, I don't see the relevance of Curry in drag.

  2. If you are not familiar with the movie "Rocky Horror Picture Show" you may not get it. The character that Tim Curry plays (it would take too long to explain who he is and why he's in drag) has a line where he says "I see you shiver with antici ... (long pause) ... pation, which is of course funny because you are waiting for him to complete saying the word.

  3. when we are in rome i read that there is supposed to be a Gay pride festival...maybe Tim in drag will make an appearance?

    1. Haha! The movie was made in 1975. I don't know if he could pull off drag as well now!

      Rocky Horror has such cult following and most of my friends know it ... I hope I am not the only one in class that is familiar with it or everyone will just think I am totally weird. :/ Oh well.
