Friday, May 18, 2012

Classe di Jovedi - Scholarships, action plans Actionand pickpockets

Buongiorno! I know that many of my classmates were working on their blog during class but I was super tired last night and it is easier for me to write the morning after I think. Anyway, here are my thoughts on our penultimate class day.


Yay! We finally heard from the study abroad office about the scholarship applications. Thankfully everything was complete on mine so I don't have to worry about filling out anything else. I am busy enough with everything else I have going on right now. It is really good to know that I will be getting that extra money too.


We talked in class about securing our belongings. I have already given this a lot of thought and have made plans. I have read a lot of tips on what to watch out for and how to best keep your stuff safe. I will once again recommend that you check out the blog Ron in Rome, particularly this post about pickpockets. I have included this video as well, which shows how many of them operate. I found it very interesting and informative ... and a little funny.


Emergency action plans

Some of the information that was shared in class was particularly helpful I think. I liked the suggestions of working up a basic communication schedule with our families and while I don't expect any legal trouble in Italy, writing up the "I am not saying anything without talking to my lawyer" statement in Italian is still probably a good idea. I have already made up a list of numbers for my parents, including my global #, Dr. Weber's and all of the hotels I am staying in (since I am staying an extra week). I also made up business cards with the name and address of the hotels to hand to taxi drivers or whoever. Great tips.


I emailed my brochure to Dr. Weber but I got an email back saying that
"Delivery is delayed to these recipients or distribution lists."

Anyone else have a problem like this?


I finally got in touch with someone at my bank who could answer the question of getting Euros before I leave (the local airport does not have currency exchanges here). Apparently you order them and they FedEx them to you. Hmm.

More helpful info

I also found a site that has some helpful info about Rome for English speaking tourists and expats. It offers a list of events, like concerts, plays, movies etc., for the week. It also gives recommendations for shopping, spas, bars and clubs etc. Might want to check it out! In Rome Now


  1. Jamie, I don't know you much or at all for that matter and I already love ya! Your knowledgeable and on top of it girl ! We so need ya in this group, LOL. Look forward into actually meeting you good luck on your flight, CIAO!

    1. Thanks Nat! I look forward to meeting you in person too.

      My mom and my friend both teased me for being so prepared ... like Boy Scout style. But I just told them that 1) I have all this nervous energy as it gets closer to the time we leave so I need some way to work it off. Preparing for all the possibilities I can think of keeps me from going to crazy waiting. 2) I want to make sure that I can relax and enjoy the trip by doing all my stressing now :) I may not need half of the the things I prepare for but if I do need something I will hopefully have it or know where to find it.

      I am so completely psyched about this trip. One day, I hope I can get a gig like Dr. Weber's ... I want to teach at a university (once I get through grad school) and I would love it if I could do the study abroad thing like he does. So I am looking to absorb every little bit of this experience that I can.
