Thursday, February 9, 2012

3 months, 3 weeks and 6 days to go

On May 28th, I will be leaving on a class trip to Rome. We will spend two weeks exploring beautiful, historic sites, viewing amazing art and eating great food! This is the trip of a lifetime.

I will begin blogging about my preparations and the things I am learning about Italy as I count down the days until we leave.

I received my passport two days ago. Yay! Can't wait until I have a stamp in it.

Sto imparando l'Italiano.

I have been trying to learn Italian and I was doing my lessons faithfully for about a month. Then the new semester kicked into gear and I haven't been setting aside the time faithfully everyday. I am listening to a daily 5 minute podcast, plus I got an audiobook from Earworms that is helpful. I currently know enough to count to 12, reserve a room in a hotel, and of course tell someone that I don't speak much Italian. I also pre-ordered an e-book called Wicked Italian that is supposed to teach me the REALLY useful things ... like how to tell that creepy guy "Not if you were the last man on Earth!" or beautiful names of revolting dishes! Haha!


  1. Can you answer this in Italian? Jamie, quando lei visita a Roma, sempre vuole una camera con bagno?

  2. Preferirei che ma posso condividere se necessario.

    Honestly, I had to look up a couple of those words. But I understood your question ;)

  3. Don't remember if I mentioned it before, but before this trip I was trying to teach myself Latin. I speak some Spanish too, so these both can be helpful but also make things more confusing sometimes.

    Loquerisne lingua Latinam?

    1. Ho studiato Latina per dieci anni e usavo la frequentamente. Ma leggo Latina solemente non parlo molto.

    2. Io credo che il latino si parla analogamente a italiano. Ho usato la serie di video Latinum, un programma di computer e diversi libri per insegnare a me stesso. Ho solo studiato per alcuni mesi, ma si fermò quando mi sono registrato per il viaggio.

      Questo è un buon modo di praticare. Grazie.
