Thursday, April 19, 2012

Getting to know you

The class has been challenged to begin blogging more regularly (not too much of a problem for me) and the latest challenge is sharing more about ourselves so we can get to know each other better.

A quick rundown about me is on order I guess. I am 30, I live in Harlingen and have been taking all of my UTEP classes online. Going into my senior year this fall and eager to graduate. I took a "semester off" that turned into 8 years, so I am glad to be back and nearing completion although I won't be done with school for quite a while since I am aiming for grad school. I am looking at getting my masters in Cultural Anthropology.

 I'm an artist and a lit/history nerd, so this trip is more perfect for me than I could have ever imagined. We will get to see some of the greatest relics of antiquity and the art of the masters, how cool is that? Plus, I will be taking a sketch pad and camera with me so that I can capture my own inspiration and create some art of my own.

 I work as a driver for an older gentleman who can no longer drive but still likes to be active. Get out 5-ish (4 El Paso time) so I will either see if he can go home a bit early that week or I'll join the class a tiny bit late. It is a pretty cool job because when I am not needed, I can work on school ... or my blog.

Not sure who my roommates will be so I will warn them ... I am not much of a morning person. I have to get up early for my job but I don't like it much and am not fully human until the coffee kicks in. :D

I guess that's it for now. Anything else you want to know, just ask!

Buon giornata!


  1. Replies
    1. Me too. Haha!

      A lot of the people I have hung out with at art shows and local galleries seem so much cooler than me! I am too nerdy to be completely cool. :D
